Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rhetorical Analysis Overload

day 4: a photo of your night.

Yep. Instead of going to the basketball game tonight, I stayed home and worked on the above..... Nasty homework. mostly I just wrote a 5 page rhetorical analysis..... and it kicked my freaking trash. My brain is now seriously fried and I can't even think straight. Maybe I should stop procrastinating so much? Ya that would probably be a good idea but it most likely will not happen. So, my nights will look like this much more often. Except not so neat and organized because generally things are sprawled all over my bed, desk, and floor as I try to do homework, especially papers that I have to use outside sources for. Phew. I need a break now. Time for some good old sleep. Maybe I'll have great dreams like I did last night...I've deserved it right? I think so. :)