Monday, January 24, 2011

Looking back to the past

day 2:  A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Okay so there are two people.... Bekah and I have been friends since we were in Achievement Days. So I think around 10 years. She is so great and is such a great listener. She is practically like my sister. But now she is married..... haha.  

Then there is Laura! We have been best friends since sophomore year of high school. We met in English class when we bonded over our hatred of poetry and annoyance of our teacher. She is so funny.It sucks she goes to school in Wyoming BUT we are going to Florida together over Spring Break this year. Last year she came out here for break and it was way great. We have shared so many insanely crazy memories I can't even begin to list them. Love you girl!