Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just a few highlights...

Thanksgiving this year was fantastic. I was able to go to Colorado and spend a week there with Nana and my parents. I haven't been home for Thanksgiving since my sophomore year in high school, and boy was it nice. Here are just a couple pictures from my phone since I forgot my camera ...

Who knew a flat screen TV could be so brutal!

Mom's homemade meals=breakfast of champions :)

This two little rascals took over my bed multiple nights, but I love them just the same, even if they did take up most of my bed. 

Jada did NOT like having a bath. Poor fuzz ball

This is just a hilarious video... Buddy was so jealous Jada was outside getting attention and he was stuck inside.

Best reaction ever to a birthday present... it actually brought tears to her eyes :)

mmmm Thanksgiving... (notice the close proximity of the drinks to me.....)

More to come soon...

Happy holidays!!